(304) 872-0202 [email protected]

Sample Bequest Language

Sample Language for a Charitable Bequest to the
Nicholas County Community Foundation


When making or revising a will, the Nicholas County Community Foundation (NCCF) recommends you seek the assistance of an attorney.  The NCCF is pleased to work with you and your attorney to design a plan tailored to your wishes.  The following language can be used in your will or codicil.

I.  Paragraph One:

“I give, devise and bequeath to the Nicholas County Community Foundation (Federal Tax ID Number 20-5799430), a non-profit charitable corporation under Internal Revenue Code 501c3,

Identify the Bequest (choose one)

(a)  “the sum of $________.”

(b)  “_____% of my estate.”

(c)   “________ shares of stock in ___________Company.”

(d)  “all of my right, title and interest in and to the real estate located at             ____________________ (include street address or legal description of property)”.

(e)  “all the rest, remainder and residue of my estate, including personal property over which I shall have power of appointment at my passing, after all debts, taxes, expenses and other bequests have been satisfied.”

(f)   “all the rest, remainder and residue of my estate, including personal property over which I shall have power of appointment at my passing, after all debts, taxes, expenses and other bequests have been satisfied, if ___________(my husband/wife/or name of other beneficiary does not survive me. ”

II.  Paragraph Two: Indicates how the bequests will be used.  The Nicholas County Community Foundation recommends that you discuss any bequest plans with us to insure that your charitable intentions can be fulfilled. Contributions of any size may designated toward an existing fund. To start a new fund, a minimum contribution is required.  In most cases, clients choose not to include this paragraph but rather execute a fund agreement with NCCF, allowing them flexibility of changing the charitable purpose during their lifetimes without redrafting or amending the legal documents. 

For a bequest to (choose one)

(a)  The unrestricted fund:

“It is my desire that distributions from the Fund be made at the discretion of the Nicholas County Community Foundation to meet the charitable needs of Nicholas County, WV.”

(b)  Support or establish a particular field of interest, or specific organization:

“It is my desire to establish/or add to the _________ (state a particular field of interest or specific organization; e.g., Health & Wellness, Arts, Animal Welfare, Summerville Memorial Hospital) Fund.”

(c)  For a bequest to establish or support a scholarship fund:

“It is my desire to establish/ or add to the __________(choose name) scholarship fund.

(d)  For a bequest to establish a donor-advised fund:

 “To establish the ___________ (choose name) donor-advised fund.”

For More Information please contact the
 County Community Foundation at:
(304) 872-0202
[email protected]

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