(304) 872-0202 [email protected]

2025 Margaret Pennington
Memorial Scholarship

All applications must be postmarked by Tuesday, April 1, 2025.

Call (304) 872-0202 or email the Foundation at [email protected] with any questions.

Margaret Pennington Memorial Scholarship

"*" indicates required fields

Nicholas County Community Foundation
Scholarship Application
Cover Sheet
Application Instructions
This fund will provide a scholarship annually to a deserving student from Fayette County (or Nicholas or Raleigh County if no Fayette County students apply) to further their education in any 2-year, 4-year or trade program in West Virginia. The student must show evidence prior to scholarship payment that they have been accepted into their program/school of continuing education of choice. This scholarship is payable one time in the first semester of enrollment. This scholarship in non-renewable. A short essay with student’s educational and career goals must be included with application submission.
The application deadline is Tuesday, April 1, 2025 by 5pm. No applications with be accepted after that date.
Margaret Pennington Memorial Scholarship Application

Section II - Personal Information
Your Permanent Address*
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Name of Parent(s) or Guardian(s)*
What class will you enter in the Fall?*

Section III — Academic Information
Copies of letters from these schools acknowledging receipt of your application or offering you enrollment should be included in this completed application.
Max. file size: 100 MB.
What are the total estimated costs per year of this program?
Are you Promise Scholarship Eligible*
Max. file size: 100 MB.
List the dates (month/year) you expect to begin and complete your undergraduate education:
List the name of your reference.


The undersigned hereby acknowledges the information provided on this application, including all attachments is true and correct to the best of his/her knowledge.

Furthermore, all the information may be provided and disclosed to Nicholas County Community Foundation, to the officers, directors of the Foundation, and to any other person authorized by the Foundation to review the information. Verification may be obtained from any source. Falsification of information will result in the termination of any scholarship granted.

We hereby release from liability any person submitting information to the Foundation for use in the selection of scholarship recipients.

If awarded a scholarship, I agree to allow the Nicholas County Community Foundation to use my name and photograph in news releases, newsletter articles and other publicity concerning the Foundation and its grant awards.
You are consenting that your typed name will be your signature.
MM slash DD slash YYYY

Personal Statement Form
Application Deadline: 4/1/2025
Belinda Luzia McClung

If the scholarship you are applying for requests a specific essay topic or has specific criteria you should use this personal statement space to address the topic and/or demonstrate why you are a good match for the scholarship. If there are no defined criteria you may use this personal statement space to let us know something about you that we might not learn from the rest of the application. We ask that your essay be typed and you limit your response to one page, unless otherwise noted.

Nicholas County Community Foundation Grade Certification Form

This section is to be completed by an advisor/counselor. GPA information must use a scale of 4.0. Only transcripts with the fall semester information will be accepted and those must be included with the application. Please return this form to the student who will include the Grade Certification Form with their complete application.
Click below to download the grade certification form
Download Form
Max. file size: 100 MB.
Max. file size: 100 MB.

Personal Statement Form
Application Deadline: 4/1/2025

Students applying for more than one scholarship are strongly encouraged to submit a separate essay for each of the scholarships you are applying for. If the scholarship you are applying for requests a specific essay topic or has specific criteria you should use this personal statement space to address the topic and/or demonstrate why you are a good match for the scholarship. If there are no defined criteria you may use this personal statement space to let us know something about you that we might not learn from the rest of the application. We ask that you type your essay, and you limit your response to one page, unless otherwise noted.
Nicholas County Community Foundation Letter of Recommendation
Application Deadline: 4/1/2025

Click below to download the letter of recommendation form. Have person writing the recommendation complete the form, sign and email to [email protected]

Download Form

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