(304) 872-0202 nccfwv@gmail.com

2020 — A Year in Review with Nicholas County Community Foundation

NCCF in 2020… it was a year of sailing through rough waters. The year started out with a bang, but shortly lost its footing with many headlines slowing the momentum. Then, the pandemic hit. Things quickly took a sharp turn and our normal way of life came to a screeching halt. The business of the NCCF continued in an online way. Scholarship applications were taken and interviews were done on line. Awards announcements came, but not in our usual gatherings at the schools for awards days. We were able to provide over $23,000 in scholarships to students in Nicholas County.

 The stock market looked dismal. How would the future look for us now? The philanthropic community quickly adjusted and began emergency statewide Zoom meetings. We looked at immediate needs specific to our communities. Philanthropy WV in conjunction with several businesses announced a program that would match our dollars raised for Emergency COVID relief in a “Take 5 to Give 5” Giving Tuesday early in May. From this rally, Nicholas County would raise over $6,500 that was granted to the New Beginnings Resource Center, to assist with the start up of their USDA food program. The New Beginnings Resource Center not only offered food to those in need, but multiple items, from clothing and hygiene products to furniture and supplies to furnish an apartment or home, as well as other resources and ways to refer individual with other needs. This program continues monthly for ALL in Nicholas County and the surrounding areas.

 As the stock market began to recover, so did our Fund, much to the relief of all of us at NCCF. The grant season went on, providing over $160,000 to our local non-profit organizations. Much praise and applause are deserved for the non-profit organizations in Nicholas County. While they already normally help those in their worst of times, these organizations were also going through the worst of times themselves, but somehow managed to maintain their course.

Our final push for the year came as a Giving Tuesday after Thanksgiving, in which we were able to quickly raise $670, which was sent by our Board of Directors to a Coat Drive that was concurrently being held by the Summersville Rotary Club. This project provided coats to any school age child in Nicholas County that did not have one.

Neighborhood Investment Credits won through the State of WV NIP Program were a trigger for growth for NCCF. In addition, the Fund for Nicholas County within the NCCF funds were used as matching incentive funds to start new funds in the NCCF. These incentives brought several new funds for the year, including the Donna Mazzei Fund for Animals, Rodney and Barbara LeRose Community Fund, Mackenzie Logan Gilbert Memorial Fund, Leslie Equipment Company Fund, Jim and Jane Davis Family Fund, Young Family Fund and the Rod LeRose Family Fund. Earlier in the year, we welcomed a new Non-Endowed Craigsville Cemetery Fund. As the stock market outperformed our expectations, the year ended on a high note for the NCCF. We provided over $190,000 in support to Nicholas County during a Pandemic.

The year 2020 will not be one soon forgotten, with many lessons learned along the way. We here at NCCF would like to extend our deepest condolences for all the lives lost due to the Pandemic and otherwise. We want you to know that the NCCF will continue to be here to support this community, throughout the storms and sunny days alike. Our mission is to connect charitable giving with a permanent source of funds to ease local needs while enriching the community for today and tomorrow.

Our Board of Directors are an amazing group of people with many talents, who offer much volunteer time to making our Foundation work for you. The Board of Directors for the NCCF include President Jay Borrell, Vice President Kelly Blake, Treasurer Steve Ferguson and Secretary Jim Davis and Directors Anita Groves, Mary Igo, Barbara LeRose, Michael Perilli, Benjean Rapp, Robert Shafer, Bruce Tallamy and John Mark Walkup. On behalf of our Board of Directors, we have many support partners to thank in our endeavors: Our Fund Holders, BB&T (now Truist) Bank and Foundation, Community Trust Bank, United Bank, City of Summersville, First Energy Foundation, Milan Puskar Foundation, Philanthropy WV, WVNPA, Ferguson Accounting Services, Adkins and Young Accounting Services, Greg Sproles Law Offices, Council on Foundations, Summersville Arena and Conference Center, Gad Dam Brewery and all those who volunteer and those who have donated in 2020 to support our cause.

Donations were given in Memory of Bob Rader by Robert and Shauna Shafer and Robert E. Craig by Kathy Heller.

To learn more about how you can play a role in the Nicholas County Community Foundation, from volunteering on a committee to donating regularly or starting a Fund, please check out our website at nccfwv.com, follow us on Facebook and contact Tamara Mullins, Executive Director at nccfwv@gmail.com.

Shafer Family Fund Supports Local Animal Shelter, Animal Rescue and Youth Activities

Nicholas County Community Foundation is very fortunate to have Community Leaders who are involved with funding different organizations.  Robert and Shauna Shafer have shown their love for our family pets in 2019 by starting the Shafer Family Fund in support of our local animal shelter, animal rescue and youth activities.

Robert and Shauna are long time residents of Summersville, raising their family here in Nicholas County. They raised their two daughters, Shannon and Shealyn.  Robert opened his Shafter Insurance Associates in 1992. In 2007 Robert was elected Mayor of Summersville and is continuing to serve in that capacity for the past thirteen years.  Shauna has worked with the American Cancer for more than twenty years, being active in Fundraisers and the Mission of the American Cancer Society statewide.

The Robert and Shauna have always been supported of the youth academics and athletics.  They have been a foster family for dogs, until they could find their “Furever” home.  Being a part of the Nicholas County Community Foundation has allowed them to create a lasting fund to help support local youth and animal services.

Donna Mazzei Becomes One of the Newest Contributors to the NCCF

Donna Mazzei becomes one of the newest contributors to the Nicholas County Community Foundation.  Originally from Weirton, West Virginia she has lived most of her adult life in Summersville.

I started teaching when I first moved to Summersville.  Mrs. Madge Gilbert was the principal at Summersville Grade School at that time.  It was a wonderful experience; I loved the students and since I didn’t know many people it was a pleasure meeting their families.

After I taught, I was persuaded to run for Summersville’s Town Council.  I won by one vote!  My two opponents challenged the outcome.  There was a recount.  I won by one vote.  I served on Council for 24 years.  Believing in term limits, I didn’t run again.  I did, however, get the nickname “Landslide Mazzei”.

But all joking aside, this is a great place to live, work and with fantastic recreational areas play.  Summersville is a wonderfully generous and giving community as witnessed by this Foundation, by the enormity of the pledges made to support the WV  Summersville Regional Medical Center, by those hosting the Sports Banquet each year and by one individual, Steve Brown who started with a small St. Patrick’s Day Parade Event that continues to grow and give so much back to the community.

For my small part, I have chosen to support the Nicholas Animal Shelter.  This one’s for you Maggie.

NCCF Awards Over $150,000 to Nicholas County Organizations in Grants

NCCF Awards Over $150,000 to Nicholas County Organizations in Grants

On behalf of its Board of Directors, the Nicholas County Community Foundation announced their 2020 Grant Recipients on Friday, November 13 through an SCTV “Go Live” Facebook event from GDB. Live for this announcement were Board President Jay Borrell, Board Member Benjean Rapp and Executive Director Tamara Mullins. This year, the NCCF was able to provide over $150,000 to local organizations through our competitive grant process, donor advised, donor directed, field of interest, unrestricted and emergency COVID-19 funds. “The Grants and Scholarships awarded by the Nicholas County Community Foundation are the result of a very generous group of families and organizations that make up our fund holders.  I am very thankful for our fund holders and the love they show for our county and its people through their giving”, says Borrell.

A 501(c)3 non-profit organization, the NCCF connects charitable giving with a permanent source of funds to ease local needs while enriching the community for today and tomorrow. For more information on funds or getting involved, contact us at nccfwv@gmail.com or at www.nccfwv.com. Congratulations to these amazing organizations!

Alzheimer’s Foundation of America

American Lung Association

American Red Cross Central Appalachia

Arthritis Foundation Great Lakes Region

Ben’s Friends

Bread of Life Food Pantry

City of Summersville/Summersville Arena & Conference Center

Craigsville Public Library

Elk Conservation District

Faltis Center

First Baptist Church Richwood

Friends R Fun Child Development Center

Glade Creek Elementary

Kitchen Scholarship Fund

Love Works, Inc.

Make-A-Wish Greater PA and WV

Manna Meals, Inc

National Multiple Sclerosis Society

New Beginnings Family Resource Center

Nicholas County Young Life 

Nicholas County Youth Wrestling

Nicholas County 4-H Leaders Association

Nicholas County Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management

Nicholas County High School

Nicholas County Learning Center and Cadet Leadership Academy

Nicholas Old Main Foundation

Panther Creek Elementary

Richwood Public Library

Sheltered Workshop of Nicholas County, Inc

Smile Train

SOZO Recovery House, Inc

Summersville Christmas Store

Summersville Elementary School

Summersville Middle School

Summersville Public Library

Summersville Regional Medical Center

Summersville Volunteer Fire Department

Wilderness Volunteer Fire Department

WVU Foundation

New Beginnings Update

“Thank you for partnering with us. This week nearly 200 families, 412 individuals were blessed to receive. Cheese. Bread. Butter. Frozen chicken. Clothes. And oh yes 32,000 pounds of new potatoes. I cannot begin to express our gratitude for your generosity and partnership in making Nicholas county a great place to live.”

Pastor Dingess